Underwater Anode Installation
Underwater Anode Installation or replacement is a simple, but critical maintenance task to protect your vessel or structure against corrosion. Our team of experienced underwater experts are able to replace, install, or remove any type of sacrificial anode underwater. We can provide following services:
- Sacrificial Anode Condition Inspection
- Sacrificial Anode Replacement
- Sacrificial Anode Replacement by Underwater Welding
- Seachest Anode Replacement
- Zink, Aluminum or Magnesium Anode Delivery
Why is anode replacement needed?
node replacement is a crucial maintenance task that ensures the longevity, efficiency, and safety of systems prone to corrosion or that rely on electrochemical reactions for their operation. Anodes are designed to corrode in place of the structures metal components, offering protection against rust and corrosion. Over time, the sacrificial anode depletes due to the corrosion process, and if not replaced, the structure will begin to corrode. Regular inspection and replacement of anodes can prevent unexpected downtime, costly repairs, and in some cases, catastrophic failures.
Majority of large vessel owners have Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems which we can also replace underwater.
Majority of large vessel owners have Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems which we can also replace underwater.

Plugging / Blanking Overboards or Pipes
In order to perform an internal repair to valves or pipes which are located underwater, the pipe must be externally blanked to ensure waterproof integrity before commencing the internal works. As 5 Oceans Diving has most types of blanking plates and plugs in stock, we can mobilize this type of work last minute to meet your requirements around the clock. All our blanking methods are calculated according to the to be blanked surface and working depth to guarantee 100% integrity of the installed blanking. We can also provide double barrier blankings.
5 Oceans provide temporary or permanent blanking methods and also provide large blankings or cofferdams for large volume repairs such as scrubber overboards, seachests or hull inserts

Underwater Transducer / ICCP Replacement
Replacing an underwater transducer and/or ICCP involves several critical steps as you are dealing with waterproof integrity of the vessels hull. 5 Oceans divers and technicians are well experienced in these kind of repairs to ensure a safe removal or installation of any type of transducer or ICCP (impressed current cathodic protection) unit.
we can provide following underwater removal, installation or replacements:
- Echosounder Replacement
- Speedlog Replacement
- Dolog Sensor Replacement
- Sonar Replacement
- Draft Sensor Replacement
- Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Unit Replacement
- Reference Cell Replacement
How does impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) work?
An impressed Current Cathodic Protection system is a method used to protect metal structures from corrosion in marine environments. Instead of depleting an sacrificial anode, the ICCP system works by applying a small, controlled electrical current to the metal surface which counteracts the electrochemical process of corrosion. Cathodic protection works by making the metal structure the cathode of an electrochemical cell. In simpler terms, it prevents the metal from giving up electrons, which stops the Corrosion process.